Feature Heart Artists

Nik U.

Nik, a heart artist since January 2020, likes using red- and orange-colored pencils to create his artworks, especially landscapes. He is inspired by famous artist Andy Warhol and enjoys seeing his fellow artists each week as well as their artworks. Outside of the gallery and studio, Nik enjoys skateboarding, reading and spending time with his friends and family.

Click on Nik's photo to view his whole portfolio!

"Sunset Crow"

"Dark Mountain"

"Blood Flower"

Adam D.

Adam, a heart artist since November 2017, enjoys using colored pencils and a variety of paints to create animals. He is inspired, especially, by his rabbits. Adam will often use blues in his pieces. He likes to use his studio time to draw. Outside the gallery and studio, Adam likes to play the guitar and spend time with his family. He also enjoys decorating for the different holidays.

Click on Adam's photo to view his whole portfolio!


“Western Strawberry"

"A Fast Car"